Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus' Great Discovery to the War on Terror / by Joseph Schweikart and Michael Allen

The authors of this book feel that too many high school and college history texts are so motivated by political correctness that they disproportionately focus on the bad of shameful events in American history as a way of placating the public. From slavery to the fate of the Native Americans to the stock market crash, McCarthyism, Vietnam and so on, these negative events receive more attention than the more honorable, or patriotic subject matter. Schweikart and Allen attempt to set the record straight by re-examining our nation's historical elements through a patriotic perspective, explaining, in an enlightened manner though without unsubstantiating the relevant topics, why certain events occurred as they did and discussing the actual events in the context of the principles the nation strove to demonstrate. America, was and still is the beacon of freedom for all nations, the authors say, and was not only effective in establishing these self-evident truths in its own land, but also in persevering them in other countries by working to eradicate social abuse and oppression throughout the world. (973 SCHWEIKA)

1 comment:

グリー said...

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