Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Chameleon's Shadow / by Minette Walters

After being wounded in Iraq, Lt. Charles Ackland is deported home to England to have reconstructive surgery on the left side of his face. Yet when multiple operations fail to re-create his once youthful appearance, the man Charles used to be, both on the exterior and internally, is essentially erased. Once a gung-ho alpha male with a zest for life, Charles has permanently withdrawn from the world, setting up for himself an existence of permanent emotional isolation and limited interpersonal contact. All former ties with family and friends, including his serious relationship with one-time fiance Jen Morley, are expediently eradicated. Soon his morose livelihood leads him into contact with the murky underworld of vice and sadism, a world in which a peculiarly diabolical set of circumstances leads Charles to be suspected in connection to a series of heinous crimes.
Award-winning British mystery author Minette Walters delves into sinister territory in her latest standalone novel, showing the shadowy depths to which the human condition can sink. Charles may seem like a sympathetic figure early on, the deterioration of his physical condition and emotional plight peaking the reader's curiosity. But as the story evolves and events surrounding Charles' actions become more questionable, interest is taken to a different level where things aren't always what they seem. Walters has a knack for revealing the intricacies of relationships and her ability in portraying how trust is easily betrayed through malevolent personal motivations is nothing short of remarkable.

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