Friday, April 23, 2010

The Cartoon Introduction to Economics: Volume One: Microeconomics / by Grady Klein & Yoram Bauman, Ph.D.

Traditionally, economics has been characterized as a way in which a simple concept is made difficult (i.e., stuffy sounding terms such as "profit maximizing" and "margin analysis" are little more than budgeting and getting the best bang for your buck). Authors Klein and Bauman ("The World's First and Only Stand-up Economist") offer an enlightening, comprehensible and entertaining examination of all facets of economics.
The problems and concepts involving microeconomics, or personal finance, are wonderfully illustrated and the text reads nothing like a textbook lecture, but rather as a feasible examination of the way in which individuals (microeconomics) approach the world of buying and selling. Even some of the more labor intensive math formulas like perpetuity values and compound interest are well dissected and applied to easily understood practical examples. As informative and detailed as any fundamental classroom lesson, the book--its artwork, figure designs, comical narrative and terminology easily explained--create a fascinating and uniquely plausible education resource.

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